
Affichage des articles du janvier 10, 2010

Political Intimidation in Madagascar May Prompt Sanctions by

Political Intimidation in Madagascar May Prompt Sanctions Interview with State Department Deputy Assistant Secretary Wycoff By Charles W. Corey Staff Writer Washington — The United States is concerned about a rush to parliamentary elections in Madagascar, now scheduled for March, by the de facto regime of Andry Rajoelina. A continued atmosphere of intimidation and unilateralism may soon result in the leveling of sanctions by the international community, said Karl Wycoff, deputy assistant secretary of state for African affairs. Sanctions could result if political entities on the island continue to impede an early return to constitutional rule, he said. In a January 15 interview with , Wycoff said, "The United States and the international community will continue their efforts to develop and support a process that leads to an early return of constitutional government in Madagascar, but continued unilateral action and failure to find a mutually acceptable w...


  DOUBLE TROIKA SUMMIT COMMUNIQUE ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1.             The Double Troika Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) was held in Maputo, Republic of Mozambique, on 14 January 2010.   2.             The Summit was officially opened by the SADC Chairperson, His Excellency President Joseph Kabila Kabange of the Democratic Republic of Congo.   3.             The Summit was attended by the following Heads of State and Government:   DRC                          -           H E President Joseph Kabila Kabange   Mozambique            -           H E President Armando Emίlio Guebuza   Namibia                    -           H E President Hifikepunye Pohamba   South Africa             -           H E President Jacob G Zuma   Zambia                      -           H E President Rupia Banda   Swaziland                -           Prime Minister Barnabas Dlamini   Lesotho         ...

SADEC conclude summit on Madagascar, Zimbabwe

Regional leaders conclude summit on Zimbabwe, Madagascar By Joshua Howat Berger, Agence France-Presse   January 14, 2010 5:03 PM MAPUTO - Key southern African leaders wound up a special summit in the Mozambican capital Maputo on Thursday with calls for a return to dialogue in the ongoing political crisis in Madagascar. The security body of the 15-nation Southern African Development Community (SADC) condemned the lack of progress in implementing a power-sharing deal in Madagascar, even as its members praised the leaders' efforts to revive a stumbling unity government in Zimbabwe. Following a closed-door meeting that included the presidents of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Zambia, SADC executive secretary Tomaz Salomao read a statement from the leaders urging Madagascar's Andry Rajoelina to return to the negotiating table with ousted president Marc Ravalomanana and two other former presidents. "(The) summit urges all M...


Ordonnance 2010-01, Ordonnance 2009-012 : LA   DERIVE  TOTALITAIRE   DU  REGIME  DE  ANDRY  RAJOELINA Lentement  mais  sûrement   Madagascar   sombre   dans   un  Etat  de  Non  droit  et   dérive   vers  un  régime   totalitaire. Il   y  a  à  peine  un  mois,  Andry  Rajoelina   s'est   érigé   en  pouvoir   constituant  en  adoptant  une  ordonnance   par  laquelle   il  a  modifié   des  dispositions   constitutionnelles   qui  ne  l'arrangeait  pas  vraiment  et  en  y   stipulant    que   cette  ordonnance   valait  Loi   constitutionnelle....

Non à la persécution des journalistes par les putschistes à Madagascar !

Non à la persécution des journalistes par les putschistes à Madagascar !

Quelle limite au droit d’ingérence ?

Quelle limite au droit d’ingérence ?

Press Release Mouvance RAVALOMANANA 08 Jan 2010

PRESS Release During its meeting in Addis Ababa on January 06, 2010 the International Contact Group (ICG) rejected the decree issued by Andry Rajoelina that invalidates the Maputo Agreements of  August 8 and 9, 2009 and the Additional Act of Addis Ababa. The ICG also rejected the dismissal of the consensus Prime Minister and the elections unilaterally scheduled for March 2010. The decree of Rajoelina does not have a legal and international stand and should be severely condemned. The ICG is unequivocal and firm in its stand because the mediation process is not to legitimize an unconstitutional change of government but to restore democracy and constitutional order in Madagascar. Unilateral positions and actions should not be allowed regardless of who commits them. All decisions of the ICG should be based on the Agreements signed by the Mouvance Leaders. It is the only way for the implementation of a neutral, consensus and inclusive transition, as stipulated in Article 1...

Communiqué de presse MRvl 08 Jan

Communiqué de presse Lors de la réunion du 06 janvier 2010 à Addis Abeba, le Groupe de Contact International a rejeté l'ordonnance de Rajoelina qui invalide les Accords de Maputo du 8 et 9 août 2009 et l'Acte Additionnel d'Addis Abeba. Le GIC rejette la destitution du Premier ministre de consensus, ainsi que les élections unilatérales de mars 2010. L'ordonnance de Rajoelina n'est pas valable sur le plan juridique et international et devrait être sévèrement condamné. La position du GIC est sans équivoque, car le processus de médiation ne vise pas à légitimer un changement anticonstitutionnel de gouvernement mais à rétablir la démocratie et l'ordre constitutionnel à Madagascar. Les positions et actions unilatérales ne devraient pas être permises quels qu'en soient leurs auteurs. Toutes les décisions du CIG devraient être basées sur les Accords signés par les Chefs de file des Mouvances. C'est l'unique voie pour la mise en œuvre d'une tran...

Décés de Son Eminence le Cardinale Armand RAZAFINDRATANDRA

C'est avec une grande douleur que nous vous ferons part le décès de son Éminence le Cardinal Armand Gaëtan Razafindratandra,  survenu aujourd'hui au début de la soirée. Nos sincères condoléances à sa famille et l'Église Catholique Romaine "ECAR" Madagascar.